I have to say, though, I can't believe summer is over and I'm already practically into my fourth week of school! Time seems to be flying by, and I definitely want it to slow down. I just want to be able to enjoy the here and now, not race through it. Ah, well there's my 11:30 rant for you. Well, it's about time I got back to my essay - here are a few photos of the past couple weeks:

Seriously regret not buying these jeans...
Found this old photo of my sister (a few months old) and I (four years old) that I immediately fell in love with, even thought it's out of focus and we look like dorks.

Mya and I modelling in H&M with some faux-fur coats. I tried to be fierce like Mya, but I so obviously failed. I ended up making some weird laughing face in most of the photos, :P

The gang: Paulomi, Mya, Jen, and I

Paulomi and I! Reunited after years and still best friends, ♥

Our hunt for the ugliest dresses in Forever21 was surprisingly easy...

Paulomi and I last night, pre-concert.

My current infatuation: Vampire Knight manga
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