Finally, the weather has begun to act a little more seasonably! And it's almost October, my (newly decided upon) favorite month! I spent the day on campus with Paulomi and Jen today. I helped Paulomi make a flag for her dorm - we felt like little 7th graders again, doing an arts and crafts project! It was fun, and our flag was totally worth the hard work! The colors were pre-decided by her RA, as was the quad name (it's supposed to be a "country." The RA is a bit of a Lord of the Rings nerd, so all the quads are named in Elvish. Paulomi's is "Killedre" which apparently means "people of charm" which matches because we're oh-so charming, :P ). The colors also coincide with Maryland's beloved (American) football team, the Ravens, hence the raven wings and football in the lower right hand quadrant. Although, I insisted that the raven wings also be representative of Ravenclaw, the house from Harry Potter! A lot of people, including Paulomi and Jen, commented that I was dressed very punk-rock today. So I was coerced into taking the worst rocker photo in the world. Also, pardon the bad photo quality, it was taken by Paulomi's blackberry!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Can I say how madly in love I am with these boots I bought? I've been wanting lace-ups for such a long time, and I finally found these lovely ones! I love that they're so versatile, and the heels are surprisingly comfortable. And I got my recently vegetarian sister to approve (she has completely different taste in clothes than I do) because they're adorable and made with man-made leather, so no furry little friends were harmed in the making of this wonderful creation. These are going to get some heavy wear over the next couple years.
One of the best things about these shoes, as well, is the price (or rather, price reduction)! They were originally $80, but I managed to catch them on sale for $35, and then got another reduction with an in-store coupon. In the end, they were about $30!
In other news, my favorite season has arrived! Autumn is so beautiful and the weather is so perfect. Ah, I am going to enjoy this fall season.
My hair today, for some reason, reminded me a bit of Audrey Hepburn. So here's my best Audrey face. I'm aware Audrey is infinite times better at the Audrey face than I am.
For the first day of Autumn, it feels strangely like summer. It hit about 90 degrees today, and tomorrow is supposed to be even hotter. Autumn, my favorite season, appears to be AWOL. I guess my cozy autumn clothes and I will just sit patiently until it begins to cool down. School, particularly the work, is picking up! I've been flooded with all sorts of assignments and deadlines. But I don't have much right to complain considering I'm a massive procrastinator, anyways!
I'm really excited for October 1st - Let Me In (the remake of the Swedish "Let The Right One In"- one of my favorite films ) will premiere! I was a bit nervous when I first heard about the remake, but the reviews and critiques have all been very positive, so far. So, basically, I'm extremely excited!
Tomorrow, I'm going to the Study Abroad office on campus with a fellow future-study-abroader to begin the long process of planning! Then I'll hang out with a few friends and possibly go scope out this cute pair of shoes that I've been eying that went on sale! Tell you about it later!
My dear, dear blog, I've been away far too long. I actually probably shouldn't be updating right now (I've got a huge paper due for my political science class tomorrow and I'm barely on page 2), but I've got the urge to write (now, of all times). I've begun school once more, year two of Uni is going well so far, albeit busy. I finally got my license last Thursday! Made a couple new, good friends through a mutual friend, and I'll probably be hanging out with them quite a bit. In fact, I went out with them last night! We got some cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory and sat inside the mall and chatted for a while, and then went to a live show of a few local bands. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera, so not much photo-documentation (other than one photo taken on Paulomi's phone).
I have to say, though, I can't believe summer is over and I'm already practically into my fourth week of school! Time seems to be flying by, and I definitely want it to slow down. I just want to be able to enjoy the here and now, not race through it. Ah, well there's my 11:30 rant for you. Well, it's about time I got back to my essay - here are a few photos of the past couple weeks:
Seriously regret not buying these jeans... Found this old photo of my sister (a few months old) and I (four years old) that I immediately fell in love with, even thought it's out of focus and we look like dorks. Mya and I modelling in H&M with some faux-fur coats. I tried to be fierce like Mya, but I so obviously failed. I ended up making some weird laughing face in most of the photos, :P The gang: Paulomi, Mya, Jen, and I Paulomi and I! Reunited after years and still best friends, ♥ Our hunt for the ugliest dresses in Forever21 was surprisingly easy... Paulomi and I last night, pre-concert. My current infatuation: Vampire Knight manga